Modifications and Revamping of Coating Plants

When it becomes necessary to upgrade or implement one or more technologies, Verona Impianti offers to revamp, modify, or expand existing and running coating systems, as well as individual components and machinery, based on the specific needs of clients.

Through careful study, we can design and implement modifications and interventions that enhance the performance of a system, integrating more sustainable technologies and adjusting the coating cycle itself to enhance process efficiency. Our industry experience enables us to pinpoint key areas for improving installation quality cost-effectively, prioritising interventions based on their critical importance.

Does your coating system need a revamping? Contact us to receive detailed information and non-binding offers for new installations, revamping, or any other necessary modification to existing painting systems. We are ready to help you achieve the best results!

Contact us now

Verona Impianti
2002 S.r.l.

Via Strà, 164/4A
37030 Colognola ai Colli (VR)

Tel. +39 045 6151417
Fax +39 045 6172035

VAT IT03194730234
N.REA VR-316788
Corp. Cap. 15.000 €

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