Manual conveyors are characterised by the absence of any motor: the operators move the parts manually. This type of conveyor is installed in coating plants where high flexibility is required to handle a wide variety of part shapes and sizes.

Verona Impianti 2002 designs different types of manual conveyors. The “box profile” overhead conveyor features idle trolleys consisting of links with pins and joints on which bearings are mounted: these links slide inside a track consisting of a box profile, whereas the trolleys are equipped with attachments for the workpiece-carrying frames.

Another variant is the “Morris” type manual monorail conveyor, which consists of trolleys with workpiece carriers that run on an INP profile.

In some cases, the track also includes “switches” that allow the trolleys to move on different lines and be stored in certain areas, such as a static oven or a storage buffer in the parts loading/unloading areas.

Verona Impianti
2002 S.r.l.

Via Strà, 164/4A
37030 Colognola ai Colli (VR)

Tel. +39 045 6151417
Fax +39 045 6172035

VAT IT03194730234
N.REA VR-316788
Corp. Cap. 15.000 €

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