Drying ovens are essential to remove liquid droplets and moisture residues from workpieces after the pre-treatment or cleaning phase and thus ensure optimum finishing results. Indeed, residual moisture can compromise the adhesion of the paint product, favouring its detachment and the initiation of corrosive processes that can degrade both the aesthetics and functionality of parts.

Drying ovens can be integrated into powder and liquid coating systems, including both continuous-flow lines with an overhead conveyor and static plants, and they are equipped with closing doors to minimise heat loss.

In addition to designing and building new ovens, we offer replacement and upgrading services for already existing machines, also from third-party manufacturers. We also provide ordinary and extraordinary maintenance services to keep the ovens efficient and extend their service life.

The drying ovens designed and installed by Verona Impianti 2002 meet the requirements to qualify for Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0-related incentives. Designed with a focus on reliability – with sizing parameters based on the solid foundation of our experience – and energy savings, our ovens are characterised as follows:

  • Mineral wool insulation with low thermal conductivity;
  • Absence of thermal bridges between the internal hot parts and the external chassis, eliminating any risk of heat loss by conduction;
  • Closing doors, when possible;
  • An air curtain system to retain heat inside the oven;
  • Suction hoods to capture and recirculate hot air escaping from the oven’s inlets and outlets.

Depending on individual needs, the ovens can be fed by a methane gas, LPG, or diesel burner, by resistors, or by a hybrid system with a burner coupled to electric heating elements. We use last-generation burners of the “air stream” type or the “traditional” type with a heat exchanger, depending on customer requirements.

Air recirculation fans determine the air movement between the heat generator and the oven’s chamber, where the workpieces to be dried dwell or pass through. The fans’ size is selected to achieve the best drying effect and, above all, to increase heat exchange efficiency within the generator, so that energy consumption is as low as possible and unnecessary heat loss is avoided.

Our ovens are equipped with top air discharge and bottom air intake plenums to counteract hot air stratification and improve temperature uniformity. This also enables us to build walkable and more “solid” floors, making maintenance easier.

The water evaporating from the workpieces’ surfaces is discharged by special extractor fans whose airflow can be adjusted through dampers. Therefore, the atmosphere inside the oven stays dry and the process remains efficient. We can also equip our ovens with blow-off stations to facilitate the outflow of any water residues from the previous cleaning phase if required by the components’ geometry.

The electrical control panel switches on and off the burners or resistors and fans, allowing the oven to work autonomously and maintaining the operating temperature at the set value. In the event of an anomaly or if the temperature rises above the set limit, a safety thermostat switches off the burner and resistors to prevent damage.

Verona Impianti
2002 S.r.l.

Via Strà, 164/4A
37030 Colognola ai Colli (VR)

Tel. +39 045 6151417
Fax +39 045 6172035
Email info@veronaimpianti.com

VAT IT03194730234
N.REA VR-316788
Corp. Cap. 15.000 €

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